
developmentWe will enhance your communication, with tools and processes to measurably increase impact and cost-effectiveness. Bringing practices used successfully by leading organizations worldwide.

We can be trusted members of your team, supplying skills and talents where and when you need them, without increasing headcount.

We will help distance you from the competition and bring you closer to your audiences.

We will help you change communications culture and the way judges, juries, and the other side look at you. 
For the better. Forever



creative and strategic

  • Brainstorm and facilitate: Theme, Flow
  • Convert evidence into creative storyboard

  • Design visuals for clarity and retention
  • Remove distraction and create visual focus
  • Select most appropriate format based on content
  • Layer content for control and maximum impact
  • Use document retrieval software persuasively
  • Design flexible templates that reflect firm image




  • Rehearse
  • Videotape and review presentation




  • Storyboard for individual cases
  • Produce on PowerPoint, Keynote, or other technology
  • Review and enhance materials created in-house
  • Create time-saving, firm-wide templates
  • Produce video clips or high-impact programs
  • Produce for other electronic or print technology
  • Write, creative, and edit




  • Develop firm-wide communications practices
  • Introduce processes, systems, new technologies
  • Create peer review tools
  • Train support/paralegal staff: Making attorney time more efficient



review and polish (by the hour)

Many organizations are just a little shy of a highly effective presentation, and would benefit from an ever-so-gentle review and tweaking.


We’ll review your outline and your visuals, in an online session, to make sure they are clear, non-distracting, emotive, effective.

Offering  recommendations. Making changes with you and for you in real time.

Dissecting. Clarifying. Simplifying. Revising. Polishing. Reinvigorating.

A few moments will dramatically increase the effectiveness of support materials.

It might be the most valuable hour or so you spend.




